It has a light intensity yellow color with greenish hues. Its scent has intense aromas of green pepper, green olive, and freshly cut grass. When just on the palate, it is tasty and fresh, slightly acidic and there is a remarkable degree of minerability to then give way to a long and pleasant end taste.
It pairs very well with marine entrees such as jaleas [Peruvian cuisine seafood dish of fried, lightly breaded fish], causas [Peruvian dish based on yellow potato, red pepper, lemon and chicken, fish, etc.], salads and dishes based on white sauces. Perfect with seafood such as crab, lobster and shrimp, as well as fish such as trout, escabeches [Peruvian dish based on fish, onions, and other ingredients], and sudados [Peruvian dish based on fish, onions, and other ingredients].